The Power of ‘Free’ and ‘Offer’: Your First Step in Email Marketing

digital marketing agency for educational institutes


‘Free’ and ‘Offer’ are not just words; they are powerful tools that can work wonders in your marketing campaigns. As the top ed marketing company, we want to show you how these two words can be your secret weapons as marketers, business owners, and individuals interested in email marketing strategies. Understanding the psychology behind them and using them effectively in email marketing can lead to your exponential growth, opening up new possibilities and opportunities. Let’s explore this potential together.

The Psychology of ‘Free’

It’s nearly impossible that you might not have been targeted with the word ‘Free.’ The word ‘Free’ is incessantly used for targeting in all marketing efforts. However, using the word ‘Free’ requires a bit of cleverness. The point is people don’t like when they are given something totally for free. They want to receive something in return for the value they add. This will also provide them with an idea of what to expect. We’ll discuss this intensely in later sections. For now, the most famous example of ‘Free’ in education is institutes offering free e-books or free trial classes. Another successful use of ‘Free’ is when institutes offer free webinars or workshops.

The Psychology of ‘Offer’

‘Offer’ could be more valuable in hindsight for your marketing efforts. As we discussed, people want to add value for everything they receive. So, in the case of offers, you provide the same thing for a lesser price than usual. Consequently, they receive higher commodities/services for lesser value—the audience loves it. As for ‘Offer, ‘institutes providing courses at a discounted price or with added benefits like free study materials are a massive trend in the industry.

Using them Effectively

Marketing is a collaborative process. We’ll use a strategic plan when using the words ‘Free’ and ‘Offer.’ We’ve already discussed the importance of value addition. When offering something for free or under an offer, ask for their e-mail. This way, it’s a barter between the students and the institutes. It’s not a problem for prospective consumers to share their e-mail with you, but it’s an invaluable resource for your e-mail marketing efforts. The following section will discuss using this resource effectively, with your audience playing a crucial role.

Measuring Success and Optimizing Campaigns

Now that you have the data in the form of e-mails, start sending messages to your sample size. The main thing you need to keep in mind is drafting a convincing copy for your recipient audience. The copy will do half of the work. Now comes the more important part: the underlying task in all digital marketing campaigns is to analyze and improve. Tracking conversions is the most crucial part. Are e-mails helping you to increase admissions? Are your copies actually of help to you? You might also use A/B testing, send different copies with different headlines, and analyze how they perform respectively. For example, you might notice that “Pursue Placement-Guaranteed Graphic Designing Courses” performs better than “Pursue a Graphic Designing Courses.”


The core idea of this strategy is to first target the audience with the power of the words ‘Free’ and ‘Offer.’ The catch is that you ask for e-mails in turn for the offers you are offering. The next thing you take up is to utilize the data you have in hand and send e-mails. Use measuring tools such as conversion trackers and analyze the data to use optimizing techniques like A/B testing to make the most of your campaigns. Seems like a lot of work? Consider hiring a digital marketing agency for educational institutes.




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