Good Campaigns vs. Bad Campaigns: Lessons for Educational Marketing

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Carry out this experiment by the best education marketing agency in India: analyze the digital ad accounts of two educational institutes/educators. You’ll see that one ad account performs better than the other. Why is that? The factor of better performance is none other than the structure of the campaign. This is where a boundary between good campaigns and bad campaigns is drawn. In this blog, we’ll learn how to differentiate good and bad campaigns and how to craft the former and avoid the latter.

What Makes a Good Campaign?

A well-crafted marketing campaign has the power to significantly boost your admission numbers. This potential is not to be underestimated, and we’re here to guide you on how to tap into it.


The cornerstone of any marketing effort is a clear objective. It’s this objective that guides all your campaign decisions. But remember, your goals should be specific and not limited to just ‘increasing admissions.’ Raising brand awareness or promoting a particular course are equally important objectives to consider.


Whatever ad you run, you are always targeting an audience. Tailoring your ad to that audience is a very important task. However, the more important task is finding your target audience. Most educational institutions are targeting the wrong audience, i.e., students instead of parents – the decision-makers. Rethinking your audience strategy is an important task to undertake when crafting campaigns; more in this blog.


Ask any ad expert if a campaign will perform with underwhelming content, and all of them will reply with a big NO! This clarifies the need for excellently crafted content is one that is at the top of the ad requirements hierarchy. Mastering content is very important. This also depends on the nature of the audience you are targeting. For example, parents can be easily targeted with laid-back content, while students need to be targeted with more engaging and entertaining content.

Why Bad Campaigns Are Bad?


Bad campaigns regarding objectives are all over the place. There’s a lack of focus in such campaigns. Such campaigns are not created with specific goals in mind. They try to target a wider audience and reach everyone with a generic message, leading to a diluted impact. Making such a broad targeted campaign without a specific objective in mind is what leads to campaigns being a huge flop.


As we distinguished the actual audience you need to target versus the audience you are targeting in a previously mentioned blog, bad campaigns miss that at the core. Audience is a crucial factor in crafting accurate targeting ads. Bad campaigns target irrelevant audiences, leading to poor engagement and low conversion rates.


Bad campaigns use irrelevant or outdated content to target the audience. Using text message campaigns and overly promotional tactics without providing value, running post ads, and neglecting the video part of the content are some such practices seen in bad campaigns. We have already discussed how important content is for successful campaigns; bad campaigns are unaware of all the pointers and fail to create over-the-top campaigns.

How to Create Good Educational Campaigns?

We discussed in detail the three main pillars of good campaigns, i.e., objective, audience, and content. Mastering these three factors is the secret to creating top-notch educational campaigns. We have already covered the best strategies to do the same and make good educational campaigns. However, you will only understand if a campaign is performing or not when you monitor key performance indicators (KPIs) like open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates and iterate based on data. Use tools and focus on providing value, and your campaigns will be ready to boom.


Crafting good campaigns is a critical factor for your institute’s digital success. However, this task can be daunting. Consider hiring the best education marketing company in India to handle all your digital efforts while you can keep making an impact in the education sector.




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